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Author 국제팀 Hit 9175 Date 2023-10-05 오후 2:48:00

[Review] After attending the 30th IAKL Annual Conference - Jiyoun CHOE


Attending the 30th Annual IAKL Conference was an experience that was beyond anything I could have imagined as a first-time attendee. What was initially a pursuit of legal knowledge evolved into an unforgettable journey of camaraderie and self-discovery. The conference, held in Seoul this year, transcended the boundaries of a professional event, transforming into a celebration of togetherness among legal professionals from across the globe.


From the very beginning of the opening ceremony, the palpable sense of warmth was striking. Lawyers from every corner of the world had converged in one place, and the atmosphere buzzed with excitement and anticipation. It was as if we were all old friends reuniting after a long separation, bound by a shared passion for the law and the legal profession.


One of the most remarkable aspects of this conference was the way it encouraged participants to delve deeper into each other's lives beyond just our legal careers. We engaged in meaningful conversations that extended beyond our practice areas. We shared personal stories, the hardships, and the motivations that fueled our professional journeys. It was a refreshing reminder to take a moment to remember who we were as individuals and what brought us all onto this path of becoming professionals in the legal field.


In the evenings, we gathered in groups, sharing anecdotes, laughter, and ideas. The connections made during those moments were heartwarming, forging bonds that will hopefully extend long beyond this year’s conference. I am grateful to have met so many wonderfully kind individuals through the IAKL Conference.


The conference sessions themselves were very informative and thought-provoking. Expert speakers from various legal felids provided professional insight on a wide range of topics, including international trade, technology, and ESG, sharing invaluable inside knowledge and professional experiences.


As I reflect on my experience at the 30th Annual IAKL Conference, I am boundlessly grateful to have been a part of such a wonderful community of talented, kind-hearted individuals. The conference was an affirmation of the global legal community's unity and shared passion for helping others. The event not only broadened my legal knowledge but also enriched my understanding of the human aspect of law.


I would like to wholeheartedly recommend this conference to anyone looking to embark on a journey of professional growth and personal enrichment. The Annual IAKL Conference was a one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn, connect, and forge lasting friendships with legal professionals from around the world. I cannot wait to meet everyone again at next year’s conference in Toronto. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Korean Bar Association for funding my attendance to this year’s IAKL Conference, and to my firm for graciously supporting said attendance.

Jiyoun CHOE




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