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Author 국제팀 Hit 1382 Date 2023-11-14 오후 4:07:00

The Korean Bar Association and the Indonesian Bar Association signed a Memorandum of Understanding

On November 7 2023, the Korean Bar Association, led by President Kim Young-hoon, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Indonesian Bar Association, chaired by Otto Hassibuan. This agreement focuses not only on organizational collaboration but also on the verification of mutual member information and the sharing of legal insights.

Indonesia, as the fourth most populous country globally, boasts abundant natural resources, making it a prominent new investment destination. The recent implementation of the 'Korea-Indonesia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA)' further enhances its openness. In Jakarta, Indonesia, there are five Korean law firms that have opened branches, marking the third-highest number after Vietnam and China.

Discussions regarding the Memorandum of Understanding between the Korean Bar Association and the Indonesian Bar Association commenced earnestly at the The Presidents of Law Associations in Asia(POLA) summit in Kuala Lumpur in July. Within approximately four months, these discussions culminated in the signing ceremony. Originally planned to occur at the International Bar Association(IBA) Annual conference, the signing took place in writing due to the Indonesian Bar Association president's scheduling constraints. The Memorandum of Understanding encompasses various aspects, including sharing mutual legal culture and information, organizing seminars to promote judicial culture, confirming member information for both organizations, and exchanging information on the regulations of foreign lawyers in their respective jurisdictions

Kim Young-hoon, President of the Korean Bar Association, stated, "Korea and Indonesia celebrated the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations this year. While trade volume hit a new record last year, exchanges between the Korean Bar Association and the Indonesian Bar Association were relatively weak." He added, "Anticipating an increase in legal demand for Indonesia, we expect this Memorandum of Understanding with Indonesian lawyers to serve as a stepping stone for Korean legal professionals to actively engage in Indonesia."

※ Reference: The Indonesian Bar Association, abbreviated as 'PERADI' (Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia), was established in 2004 through an agreement between the leaders of seven bar associations and the Indonesia-Shariah Law Association. In Indonesia, registration with PERADI is a prerequisite for practicing law, and as of the end of 2022, approximately 58,000 lawyers are registered.



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