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Author 국제팀 Hit 1527 Date 2024-05-24 오후 2:56:00

[Statement] KBA Urges the Rapid Passage of the ‘Amendment to the Act to Increase the Number of Judges

KBA urges the Rapid Passage of the ‘Amendment to the Act On The Prescribed Number Of Judges Of Various Levels Of Courts' 
(Act to Increase the Number of Judges)

The Korean Bar Association (President Kim Young-hoon) urges the National Assembly to quickly pass the 'Amendment to the Act On The Prescribed Number Of Judges Of Various Levels Of Courts' (the so-called 'Judge Increase Act'), which aims to gradually increase the Quota of judges over five years.

Our Constitution stipulates that “all citizens shall have the right to a speedy trial.” (Article 27, Paragraph 3). The right of citizens to a speedy trial is a right guaranteed by the Constitution. Nevertheless, due to trial delays, the people are suffering greatly from prolonged disputes. To resolve this situation, the Judge Increase Act must be passed within the term of the 21st National Assembly.

There is an urgent need to increase the number of judges to address the problem of long-term trial delays. This is a concern deeply felt not only by the courts but also by the legal community at large.

One of the causes of trial delays is the absolute shortage of judges, yet the quota of judges has been frozen for several years. In a situation where the problem of trial delays is becoming increasingly serious, it is clear that if the Judge Increase Act is not passed within the term of the 21st National Assembly, the resulting damage will fall solely on the people.

For the courts to conduct more rapid and thorough hearings, the number of judges must be increased. However, it is currently impossible to increase the number of judges without revising the law.

Accordingly, the Korean Bar Association urges the speedy passage of the Judge Increase Act.

2024. 5. 21.

Young Hoon KIM, President of the Korean Bar Association

【Reference Websites】
Act On The Prescribed Number Of Judges Of Various Levels Of Courts

Constitution Of The Republic Of Korea



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