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작성자 국제팀 조회수 6947 작성일 2024-11-11 오후 1:49:00

[로아시아]2025 제5회 LAWASIA 국제 인권 콘퍼런스 발표자 모집(2025. 2. 15.-17., 네팔 카트만두)

1. 콘퍼런스 개요  
- 일시: 2025년 2월 15일 - 17일  
- 장소: 네팔 카트만두, Megha Malhar, The Soaltee Kathmandu 
주제: 인권 회복력 - 기술, 환경, 사회적 과제 탐색하기
- 주최: 네팔변호사회  
- 후원: LAWASIA  

2. 발표자 지원서 작성 요강  
가. 세션 정보  
- 세션명: 하기 주제 중 하나 선택*  
- 발표 내용 요약: 핵심 요약문(300단어 이내)

나. 발표자 정보  
- 성명 및 연락처  
- 경력: 관련 경력을 포함한 간략한 이력  
- 발표자 약력을 확인할 수 있는 SNS 링크, 영상, 기고문, 추천서 등 관련 자료(선택 사항)  

3. 기타정보
- 제출 마감일: 2024년 11월 30일(토)
- 제출방법: sec@lawasiaconference.org 또는 info@nepalbarassociation.org.np 로 송부 
- 참고사항: 선발자에게만 별도 연락


*세션 주제  
1. 디지털 시대의 인권  
This session examines how digital advancements impact human rights, focusing on the dual role of technology in both enhancing and challenging rights like privacy and freedom of expression. Topics include digital privacy, online freedom, and access to information. It will discuss risks such as surveillance, cyber harassment
2. 차별 없는 인권: 여성/아동/LGBTQI+ 인권  
This session highlights unique challenges for children, women, and LGBTQI+ communities, particularly regarding systemic inequalities. It will address discrimination in legal rights, healthcare, and workplace inclusivity. Experts and activists will provide insights, advocating for inclusive policies that uphold dignity and equality. The session ultimately aims to foster societal changes that respect all identities.
3. 이주민 및 난민의 인권  
This session will explore the diverse challenges faced by migrants and refugees, including those driven by conflict, climate change, and economic disparities. Discussions will cover policy impacts and the importance of international cooperation for humane solutions. Experts will share strategies to protect rights and dignity, with a goal of fostering equity and justice globally.
4. 과도기적 정의와 인권 
This session explores transitional justice mechanisms in post-conflict societies, such as truth commissions and reparations, to restore dignity and support reconciliation. Experts and survivors will share insights on using human rights principles for accountability and peacebuilding. The focus is on human rights as central to achieving lasting stability and justice.
5. 국가인권위원회의 역할
The session examines how National Human Rights Commissions (NHRC) and Institutions (NHRI) monitor and address human rights issues independently of government influence. Their functions include handling complaints, advising on policies, and public education. Case studies will showcase their impact and discuss ways to enhance their effectiveness amidst evolving human rights challenges.
6. 사법부와 인권  
This session highlights the judiciary's role in protecting human rights within legal frameworks, balancing rights with public order. Key topics include landmark cases and how courts address issues like freedom of expression. The judiciary’s role as a protector of liberties and justice is emphasized, showcasing its critical position in upholding rights.
7. 기업의 인권 책임  
The session delves into the impact of corporate activities on human rights, with discussions on corporate accountability and international standards. Case studies will highlight the importance of human rights due diligence and CSR practices. The session promotes responsible business practices that respect human rights and address adverse impacts.

1. 기후 변화와 환경 정의: 히말라야 관점  
This session explores the environmental challenges facing the Himalayas, such as glacial melt and ecosystem degradation. Community leaders and experts discuss resilience strategies and the need for sustainable policies to protect local communities. The session promotes collaboration to address climate impacts while ensuring justice for affected regions.
2. 생물다양성 손실 및 생태계 훼손 
The session focuses on biodiversity loss and its effects on ecosystems and human well-being, with an emphasis on climate change and deforestation. Experts and policymakers will discuss conservation efforts, stressing the importance of preserving biodiversity for a sustainable future.
3. 변호사 보호 협약과 환경 공익 소송의 중요성
This session highlights the crucial role of lawyers in environmental litigation and the need for their protection. Case studies on successful litigation showcase the impact of legal advocacy in environmental protection. The session underscores the value of collaboration among NGOs and civil society in driving policy changes for environmental justice.

<원주민 및 공동체>  
1. 원주민의 토지 권리와 강제이주
The session covers challenges faced by indigenous communities due to land displacement from large projects, affecting cultural heritage and worsening inequality. Experts will discuss the need for legal protections of indigenous land rights. Case studies and testimonies aim to explore solutions that support the rights of indigenous people.
2. 원주민에 대한 폭력과 차별
Focusing on violence and discrimination against indigenous people, the session examines issues from physical violence to systemic inequalities rooted in colonial histories. Discussions aim to address these injustices with the support of international and civil society organizations, emphasizing a collaborative approach to indigenous rights.


Thomson Reuters-"Future of Professionals Report" 법률분야 주요 내용 정리+


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